Friday, July 29, 2011

Routine in SYRUZ。

sweet sweetの点点滴滴……

PLKN daily life:::
morning before 6am - already wake up lo 眼睛打不开地刷牙、洗脸 @.@
6.30am - roll call, start PT pagi 梦游当中做早操……
7am - breakfast 有mee hun soup, mee goreng....想念星六的nasi lemak!!T^T
8am - roll call, assembly+short briefing 一起嗮大大的太阳 ~.~
9am - class CB.... 几爽的……
10.30am - tea break kuih muih~ yum yum
11am - 12.30pm - class CB 继续……
12.30pm - 1pm - lunch+水果
1pm - 1.45pm - bath, rest……gossip @#¥%…… XD
1.45pm - 1.55pm - roll call ~.~
2pm - 4.30pm - physical module:obstacle crossing, flying fox, water activities, marching……爽啊!
4.30 - 5pm - tea TIME ^.^ yum yum
around 5pm - briefing/roll call 又来……~.~
5.30pm - 6.30pm - riadah (bola baring & bola……)最爱futsa了!
6.30pm - 7pm - dinner 饿饿……
7.15pm like that - muslim go to surau for solat, non muslim stay in dorm(休息…happy hours!)
8.30pm - go dewan for next roll call 累累哦 =.=
8.45pm - kelas buddha……弟子规星四,星五佛课程……
10.15pm - roll call,briefing for tomorrow/up coming activities……超级无敌累、眼皮重 -_-……zz

after finish the activities, supper: 喝甜甜的milo then oioi……Zzz

做过的、看过的,体验过的一切一切……♥ diary !

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