Saturday, April 7, 2012

these few weeks。

well, such a long time i dint update my blog...spider webs are starting to grow... lol
everything is going smooth,life smooth....=)

 i just done an video for NS....(just another video) it was 2nd year anniversary....

 and i done my selection for U too... actually i done it long time agosss...just edit some info before expire day (2 april) come to the corner...well. i selected those courses which link to ICT...i dunno whether i choose a correct course for myself or not...but i do really love computer xD opps, is computer games ~.~ lolx hmm bout the location... hmm, i put sabah be my 1st starting regret huh???nah~since lots fren keep on ruin it... lolx.... it is too far~ too danger for u~flight ticket will cost u lots! whatever, i cant regret & i wont regret bout my choices!!! since i choose it by myself...n i will pay for it,will be responsible for it... but,please stop takutkan me xD lol
i will survive well if i really go there... I promise :) please place me to a right place =)
jia you!

for now, i just keep working n keep earning n keep saving in order to buy a laptop myself...hmm...i cant buy anything that is useless for me now, even i love the thing so MUCH... too sad =( but, it will pass soon XD!! keep going!!! good luck!

 I am sorry*I love you* Please forgive me*thank you!

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